Waffle House Will Always Hold A Place In My Heart, Here's Why


Amazing Year, New Experiences

2009 was an incredibly amazing year for me! Now that it’s 2019 it’s kinda hard to believe it was 10 years ago. That year gifted me the opportunity of many new experiences, such as:

  • Starting a new business called 3JPMedia, LLC.
  • Creating my first mobile/web cloud service app called NoteMonkey.
  • Beginning a new journey of marriage with my beautiful wife, JaQualia.
  • Being ordained, with a new level of authority in ministry, as an Elder.
  • Building a brand new house with a finished basement!

One of the great highlights of my year was also spending time at the Waffle House. Funny thing is, I’ve never been in a Waffle House that was clean. Often times the floors are caked up, the grill station’s food is erratically sprinkled everywhere, and the waiting staff ping-pong in and out taking cigarette breaks. However, that establishment will always have a place in my heart for two main reasons.


Absolute Deliciousness

No one on earth has ever made eggs as good as my Grandma Poole but these folks come really close (in their own right). 4 eggs scrambled with cheese, cheese grits, cinnamon raisin toast with butter, and a coffee/orange - HALLELUJAH!!!!!


Prophetic Ministry


During this year I received training, activation & impartation in the prophetic at Harvest International Embassy in Columbus, OH (Apostles Clyde & Scheherazade Daniels). Guess what I found out… GOD STILL SPEAKS!!! I’m not cRaZy after all, ha! Man… I began to love the prophetic, read about the prophetic, watch videos of people prophesying, dream about the prophetic, and ultimately desired to walk in the prophetic. Fortunately, Harvest was a ministry that was all about demonstrating the kingdom of God.

After our Friday Night Fire services, several of us would go to the Waffle House to get something to eat. Sitting there among the staff and few patrons turned out to be an opportunity to demonstrate the kingdom of God and practice prophesying to people. Sometimes we were still there when the local clubs let out and the people would straggle in. You know what that means, more people in there meant more people we could prophesy to.

Great ministry experiences happen outside of a “church” setting, in everyday life. To listen and see what the Lord was saying to a particular individual and then to actually tell them… Yup, the Waffle House was my training ground in the prophetic. This is why it will always have a place in my heart!

Questions: (Answer in the comments below)

  • People seem to be pretty divided on Waffle House. How about you, do you like it?
  • Do you have a place you went/go to in order to practice ministering to people?
Published 5 Aug 2019

Husband, Father, Business Owner, Musician, Programmer, Designer, CreativeThinker, Jesus Lover
Allan Leonard, Jr. on Facebook