10 Years of Marriage - I Used To Have Hair lol

Today JaQualia and I celebrate 10 years of marriage. When we first got together I had hair on my head lol... check it out!


Waffle House Will Always Hold A Place In My Heart, Here's Why

Funny thing is, I've never been in a Waffle House that was clean. Often times the floors are caked up, the grill station's food is erratically sprinkled everywhere, and the waiting staff ping-pong in and out taking cigarette breaks. However, that establishment will always have a place in my heart for two main reasons.


Why You Should Consider Running Backing Tracks in Ableton Live 10

Want to enhance your current sound (or cover it up lol) as well as fill in the gaps during your live performances???... you should really consider running backing tracks in Ableton Live 10.


I'm Baaaaaaaack

It's been a long time but I finally did it... I relaunched my blog! I used to blog all the time but then I got married, built a house, had kids, blah blah blah. Needless to say, it's time to get back in the saddle and let the scribe arise. Instead of using WordPress, Medium, or any of the other popular tools, I'm using an awesome tool called...


Colossians 3 Prayer & Declaration For Husbands

As I was reading through Colossians chapter 3 today I decided that I would take all of the verses and begin to pray and declare them over my life, everyday, for several weeks. Here's what I prayed...


The Evil Of A Right Thing Is A Good Thing

What in the world could possibly cause someone like me to miss, forfeit, or not obtain the RIGHT THING that God has for my life? My conclusion... a GOOD THING.
